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Candidate's Message to Deputies: "I am not better than you, I am your brother"

The following is a message from candidate for Hernando County Sheriff Joe Puglia

In this election, I have typically engaged in discussions about various issues that concern us as voters, and how I will protect and serve the community. However, candidates often overlook a crucial group of stakeholders in this process: the brave men and women of the Hernando County Sheriff's Office.

As an employee of the Hernando County Sheriff's Office, you will be the cornerstone of our transformation and the foundation of a great agency. I will actively seek and value your input, as any effective leader should. The era of "we have always done it that way" will end, along with any fear you may have had about speaking up. No one will have a target placed on their back for speaking up, as I have discovered happens quite often now. As the ultimate decision-maker, I assure you that I want to hear from you. I will not tolerate bureaucratic obstacles that prevent direct communication with me. The best resource for a successful institution is the people who make up the agency. You are on the front lines and know what is needed to ensure the agency operates efficiently, while also feeling productive and appreciated for your contributions.

Over the last couple of months, I have received numerous anonymous communications from people, clearly within the agency, designed to intimidate me or discourage me from running. Probably and naturally because they have concerns for their future in the agency. In contrast, I have received overwhelming support and encouragement from residents, former law enforcement officers, and dozens of current deputies who are not happy with the current leadership. Despite what the Sheriff tells you, morale is at an all-time low.

I am not seeking the endorsement of the local Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), for the simple reason of not wanting to put anyone in an awkward position. I realize that they, the leadership in the FOP, work at the pleasure of the Sheriff. With that knowledge, it would be in my best interest to "go at this alone." The only endorsement that matters to me is the citizens of Hernando County. This decision is not meant to be a slight to any member of the FOP, I am just a realist who "gets it."

Here are a few things I will do as your new Sheriff:

I will come to work every day, understanding that we are a team. I not only work for the citizen, I work for you as well.

I will respect and value your input.

I will seek pay raises and work rules with your union that have a true impact on you, so that you stay and work for the people of this county.

I will certainly change the uniforms that you wear today so that you can be comfortable while sitting in your vehicles for 12 hours a day. I will seek your input before making that change.

I will give you the tools you need to do the job and do it safely. That includes providing you with the unequivocal protection of wearing body-worn cameras (BWCs). You will be protected from unnecessary and unwarranted accusations while ensuring the public's trust.

I will allow beards as long as they are trimmed and neat and display a professional image.

I will provide solid training and record-keeping so that we can monitor progress and truly hold people accountable. When someone needs help or falls behind, this will help us get you back on track.

I will never turn my back on anyone who is sick, or God forbid injured in the line of duty. We are in this together as an agency until that person is back or in a position where they can sustain themselves.

I will not interfere with a supervisor's role in dealing with his or her subordinates, however, I guarantee I will be hands-on when it comes to discipline. I will read each case before I make my decision. I will have the chain of command explain to me clearly why I am putting my name on any action taken. If I am not convinced or find out that we could or should have done something different, I will not approve that action!!

I have taken a lot of calls from people within the agency who have questions regarding my desire to be your next Sheriff. Please feel free to reach out and I will answer your questions without divulging who you are.

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Stay safe. God bless you all. I look forward to working with each of you.

Paid for by Joe Puglia, Republican Candidate for Sheriff of Hernando County


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