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Dash Cam Video of Arrest Tells A Different Story, Raises Doubts Over Probable Cause

BROOKSVILLE – On Sunday, R News reported the arrest of 43-year-old Jerry Dean Glisson, who deputies say fought with them while attempting to place him into custody. Recently acquired dash cam video may paint a different picture than what deputies say led up to the violent confrontation, which left Glisson with lacerations to the head and a swollen face. (ORIGINAL STORY)

Click to watch cell phone video

After reviewing the reports of every deputy on the scene and watching dash cam video from three patrol cars, some say deputies may not have had probable cause to detain Glisson.

According to reports submitted by Deputies Castillo and Beebe, Castillo made the initial traffic stop on two bicyclists, Michael Barth and Morgan White, for not having lights on their bicycles. Beebe arrived a short time after to run a want and warrants check on Barth, while Castillo did the same with White. Castillo states in his report, "Upon Deputy Beebe's arrival, he observed another male subject, later identified as Jerry Glisson to also be riding a bicycle northbound on Broad Street with no front or rear lights. Deputy Beebe ordered Jerry to stop." But that's not what Beebe wrote in his report. Beebe states, "Deputy D. Castillo made contact with one subject, and I made contact with Morgan White. The third subject, Jerry Glisson, walked up to our left and I advised him to standby by while I speak to Morgan." Dash cam video from both Castillo and Beebe do not show a third bicycle as they pull onto the scene. Furthermore, Beebe is facing away from the street as Glisson is clearly seen walking his bicycle through the parking lot. It wasn't until Glisson approaches the gas pumps that Beebe notices him. There is no audio associated with the dash cam video, other than when deputies transmit on their radios.

Click to watch dash cam video

Our law enforcement sources say there are several problems with what transpired during this incident. First, Glisson is walking his bicycle through the parking lot when Beebe first notices him. Second, you can't conduct a traffic stop on a walking pedestrian, and Beebe is clearly heard on his radio calling in a 1050 (Traffic Stop) on Glisson while he is walking. Also, Glisson is on private property, not a public roadway when Beebe called in the 1050. Finally, there is no articulable suspicion that Glisson had committed a crime, which is required by law to detain someone.

Leading up to the altercation, Beebe writes in his report, "As I was speaking to Morgan, it was discovered that Jerry left the position I advised him to stay at and appeared to be leaving the traffic stop on his bicycle and was again traveling in the northbound direction." Dash cam video clearly shows Glisson walking away from the position and only begins riding when he approaches the building. Once Beebe and Castillo begin walking towards Glisson and commanding him to stop, Glisson turns around back towards the deputies, lays down his bicycle, and waits for them to approach. It wasn't until after they attempted to cuff him that Glisson began to resist.

R News presented the above concerns to Sheriff Al Nienhuis to see if he could lend additional insight that would corroborate the deputies' reports, but he has yet to respond to our requests for comment.

Candidate for Sheriff Joe Puglia declined to comment on the case stating, "At this time it's not appropriate for me to comment because it's possible that an Internal Affairs Investigation may be underway."

Citizens were outraged after reading our initial report and many say Sheriff Nienhuis is failing to protect the community and his deputies by not implementing body worn cameras. Beth Ann Toohey stated, "This is why they will never wear cameras. They bully and abuse citizens. Their job is to arrest criminals. Not beat the shit out of them. They are out of control here. He was riding a damn bicycle!"

"They went after him verbally attacking him for a bicycle infraction. This could have played out differently if the officers were calm before approaching him. This put the violator in a defensive mode. At some point I do agree he should have complied with the officers but beating him up after they had him on the ground was uncalled for," said Carmela Cerrone Torres.

Judy Cuadrado Ptarcinski says, "Way too far .... Body cameras are a must in this county maybe my daughter's murder wouldn't be walking a free man if the sheriff's office would have done their job correctly. just because you have a badge doesn't give you the right to mistreat citizens no matter what their background is."

R News will continue to bring more on this story as it develops.


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