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No More Support for Drag Queen Story Hour in Hernando County

BROOKSVILLE – The 2023-2024 Annual Budget was approved by the Hernando Board of County Commissioners last night, but not without the usual debate over spending, taxes, inflation, and growth.

The total approved budget is nearly 16% higher than last year at around $767,373,154, but that's not the only issue addressed during Tuesday's meeting.

Prior to the board's budget discussions, members of Mom's for Liberty (MFL) addressed an issue regarding the American Library Association's (ALA) support of Drag Queen Story Hour and exposing pornographic books to children. MFL members asked the board to end their support of the organization and stop paying the approximate $300 annual fee.

Pastor Jack Martin told the board, "The ALA's current president [Emily Drabinski] is an avowed Marxist who devotes entire pages on their website to this type of material."

Vice Chair of MFL Monty Floyd echoed Martin's remarks and said, "We proudly stand before you here today to ask that Hernando County join Citrus County in leading the way in Florida by defunding the ALA and blocking free donations to our libraries made by the ALA." Floyd says the ALA, under Drabinski, has "gone out of their way to encourage member libraries, such as Hernando, to block and sensor groups like MFL, Kirk Cameron, and many others."

At the conclusion of citizen comments, board members responded eagerly in support of MFL and their request to cut ties with the openly Marxist organization. Commissioner Jerry Campbell stated, "I personally support all adults to make their own choices, as long as it doesn't affect another person's life or negatively affect our children." He goes on to say, "I find it very disturbing that these organizations preach inclusivity, but it seems that the inclusivity that they are desiring is only people that think the way they think."

Chairman John Allocco quoted biblical scripture ahead of the vote stating, "Ephesians Chapter 6 says we rest not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. The rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places." Allocco reminded parents that they need to inspect what their child is reading and remain vigilant about what their children are being exposed to.

Commissioner Champion reflected on an earlier citizen's comment stating, "...the story about the young boy being trained to have sex with a man – it's disturbing – somebody should be put in jail who actually promotes that." Champion then quickly announced a motion to withdraw from the ALA and it passed unanimously.

According to the ALA website: Many libraries across the country have been hosting or participating in Drag Queen Story Hours. A few have experienced pushback from some members of their community. ALA, through its actions and those of its members, is instrumental in creating a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive society. This includes a commitment to combating marginalization and underrepresentation within the communities served by libraries through increased understanding of the effects of historical exclusion.

The ALA promotes Drag Queen story hour in libraries, bookstores, and public schools.

There were no members of the community who spoke in opposition of the decision.


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